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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Look into my crystal ball…

What do you do on a Sunday afternoon?  Go to the park?  Pop a Netflix movie into the dvd player?  Not my sister and I, we take ourselves down to “Conference Room B” at the Sheraton for Tucson’s Psychic Fair!  Fun stuff.  We had a couple of readings done, one of which uncovered one of my past lives.  Apparently, I used to be a wizard.  And I wasn’t just your average run-of-the-mill medieval wizard either, but apparently I had a son, Merlin.  Yep.  In a past life I was the mother of Merlin the Wizard.  So yeah.  And my sister was a leper.  Ha.  Good times at the Sheraton.  


Unknown said...

Oh poor Jennifer!

Unknown said...

SWEET! that sounds like a blast! what else did you learn about your past lives or other psychic readings? i wonder what i was in a past life...i've always pictured myself as an egyptian dancer. :)

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