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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

E-Mealz are 2 for 2!

Well today has been pretty uneventful, and since I’m not desperate enough for material yet to do a post on baby throw up (your welcome), I’ll tell you about E-Mealz #2.  It was a hit!  Stuffed French Toast with pears and Canadian Bacon!  Mmmmmm……  How can you go wrong with that?  Basically, it’s a French toast sandwich with a ricotta cheese mixture in the middle.  Cook up some pears with brown sugar and serve with Canadian bacon.  Now some of you might be gasping and saying, “Wait a minute!  Matt HATES cooked fruit with a passion!”.  And you’d be correct.  I couldn’t get him to eat the cooked fruit.  He topped his with maple syrup.  I did have a bite of his, and trust me when I say that the pears were much better.  While we were eating, I tried to explain to Elin that just because Daddy has some irrational food aversions, doesn’t mean that she has to.  Luckily we don’t have to worry about that yet, so I’m just going to enjoy the baby-cereal days while I can.


Jennifer said...

It's so funny reading this bc I can hear your voice in it. I freaking love your blog. I wish you would post like ten times a day so I would have something to look up everytime I checked the time on my phone. :)

Ali said...

Mz Stacy, I have to stop reading these before lunch. I am so hungry!! And, thank you for not sharing the baby puke stories-yet. Favorite line I've heard referencing what our children are capable of creating: Ugh, its like Slum Dog Millionaire in there. Sums it up nicely. Lovin' the blog and can't wait for mo posts.

Keep it up!

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