Everybody playing together. |
Well, Elin’s first Halloween was a success -as successful as it can be for a six month old anyway. She kept her hat on and made it to about 3 houses before she fell asleep. So I’d say she did a pretty good job. I don’t blame her, I think we were all ready to fall asleep around 7:30 that night. As I mentioned in my previous post, Jon, Ali and the girls came down on Saturday. We pretty much took it easy on Saturday which was nice. Sunday is another story though.
We started Sunday off bright and early by getting up at 5:15am, and if any of you know us, you know that’s not exactly how we like to roll. It was for a good reason though, Humana sponsored a water and first aid tent for a cancer walk. We ended up helping out in the tent passing out water and sunscreen. It was very early, but it was a beautiful day and it was crazy how many people were there. It was all over by 9:30, but it felt like noon. We went home and I think everybody tried to catch a little nap, some more successfully than others.
Elin exploring the awesome pumpkin messiness. |
By early afternoon, we were ready to carve pumpkins! We kicked it old school. No templates or “pumpkin carving tool kits” or battery operated “candle” lights. Nope. Just some steak knives and a bowl for the pumpkin guts. I will admit that I started out a little too ambitious by sketching a frilly design on mine first. Once I realized the dexterity that the steak knife allowed, I “erased” my sketch with some rubbing alcohol and went at it freehand. The girls loved it. Livi and Elin wondered what in the world we were doing, but they liked feeling the slimy seeds. Elin immediately tried to eat them. I knew she would. Amelia is an old pro and helped her dad scrape the inside of her pumpkin. Once the pumpkins were transformed into jack-o-lanterns we lit the candles and took some pictures. Then it was bath time. Then it was costume time. Then it was picture time. And then……..then it was time to trick-or-treat!
Finished products. |
As I previously mentioned, Elin tapped out pretty quickly. Livi, in typical ‘Livi style’, quietly observed everything and sweetly watched her sister take charge. Amelia was a trick-or-treating star (as long as there were no dogs that ran her over as soon as the door would open). She’d say “tickoteet!!” and then politely follow up with a “tankoo” and then as we were walking to the next house, she’d tell her dad very clearly, “this is mine”. It was great. The whole day was pretty great, actually. A very successful Halloween.
Amelia and Olivia together are a flower garden! And Elin is a little pterodactyl, because she screeches like a pterodactyl. |
Lil' T-Dac. |
Action shot! Trick-or-treating. |
I just thought this was a cool picture. |
Tapped out. |
I like her little tail. |
Pretty girls. |
Flying. |
Her costume is so cute! You did a great job!
I shared my pics with everyone at work, they are all very impressed and love Elin's costume. No one has ever seen one like it before, and we have some creative people in the office too (remember, a mother-daughter combo went as a toliet and tp). It was a great weekend, thanks again!!!
Great pictures and story. You will be so glad you documented all of this later as Elin grows up.
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