Sew Fabulous!
(Sorry for all of the puns, but I just can’t resist.) Ever since I saw this post on MADE about aprons, I’ve been thinking about making one. Finally yesterday I went out and bought some fabric. That’s what this blog is for, is to make me do all of those things that make me think, “I should do that someday”. So once the baby was asleep for the night I was in business. I didn’t use a pattern or anything, just kind of went with it, and it really wasn’t that bad. It’s been a while since I’ve really sewn anything besides curtains, so I’m kind of proud of myself because I think it turned out pretty cute and it really didn’t take that long. I did most of it last night and then finished it today. If I had had no interruptions it REALLY wouldn’t have taken long at all, but Elin just doesn’t seem to care that mommy is busy sewing an apron. Now that I know how easy they are, I want to make a bunch more, so we’ll see if that happens.
Do I get one? You should make a matching one for elin so she can help you in the kitchen. :)
I pledge my head to clearer thinking; my heart to greater loyalty...Hooray for 4-H! I love the apron, Honey!
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